Embrace Philosophical Ethics Education for Children!
Welcome to Ethics for Kids!
This blog was created as my "Creative Response" assignment submission for the Graduate Diploma of Education subject EDUC107 "Introduction to Educational Studies" at Macquarie University. I hope you will find it a useful resource for investigating the educational value and practical implementation of philosophical ethics classes for children.
The blog is divided into sections for fast access to the information being sought, with a series of page link tabs appearing under the main header -
History -
A summary of the historical developments that have led to the introduction of secular Ethics Classes in NSW state Primary Schools in 2011. Links to further related resources can be found from this page.
Media -
The proposed introduction, Ethics Pilot, Final Report on the Pilot and the political lobbying surrounding the Department of Education's policy change to allow Ethics Classes in NSW attracted significant media interest. Links to articles from newspapers and online news sources (non-peer reviewed) are included here. Recent debate on the National School Chaplaincy program has stimulated further discussion and media interest in the role of religion in schools, some articles reflect this fact. Some articles are appended with my personal observations and comments. I have endeavoured to include both positive and negative contributions, from a variety of perspectives. If you know of an article you believe should be included, I'd be happy to review it, please contact me with the details.
Research -
Selected articles from scholarly journals (peer-reviewed where possible) are listed here with links to their citation and abstract. To obtain a full-text version of any of these articles, please consult your local library or educational institution, or request a PDF from the author. I have included author email addresses where available to facilitate this.
Books -
Selected books which may be of interest are described, with links to synopses and reviews.
Audio/Video -
Podcasts and radio interviews of interest
Left Sidebar -
Direct links to the most relevant websites and documents are located in the left sidebar of the home page.
Please click the button to visit them.
"Interesting Links" will direct you to a number of sites I have discovered while researching for this blog, including some international sites which can provide a wider context for the value of Ethics education for children.
Main Blog Posts -
While this initial post serves as a guide to navigating the site, further posts will investigate and describe various aspects of philosophical ethics in more detail. I have tried to extract the most relevant parts from this vast field, particularly as they relate to children and the recent introduction of secular Ethics classes in NSW.
I'd appreciate your constructive feedback, please use the 'contact me' feature or leave a comment.